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Newgrounds hates 3D art

Posted by EliteDog - July 22nd, 2024

Almost a year ago, I was banned from the art portal and called a 'thief' for stealing 3D models. Despite the fact all the models I used was available publicly by the artists. It was unprovoked and just a way to get a 3D artist off this site.

I wanted to believe it was a mistake. But after almost a year of simply trying to contact multiple admins about this and even Tom himself, I have been completely ignored.

Calling me a thief for using models I didn't make myself even though those models are made available for others to use is just unwarranted. In Newgrounds eyes, that vast majority of 3D artists are thieves since most don't make every single models they use.

That's just rude.




Sad to hear that, but unfortunately there are rules that any 3d art that looks sfm is not allowed it appears your art is from sfm or mmd.

My art is done in Blender. it's not my fault that they lump it all together.

You need to read the rules a little closer. You were (probably) not being called a thief, you just aren't allowed certain things on NG.

It literally says in the reason for why I was banned was because I stole the models.
If that's not calling me a thief, then I don't know what is.

"[...] if you did not create the character models, please do not share your piece in the Art Portal."
- https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/help-information/terms-of-use/art-guidelines

There is literally no ambiguity there...
This whole thing is entirely on you.

I'm not saying there wasn't a rule there. I admit I was not aware of that rule existing at the time. But that's not the point I'm making.
That doesn't change the fact that I was banned from the art portal for being a 'thief', as they stated.
I mentioned, in my messages to the admins, that I was not aware of that rule existing but banning me from the art portal all-together seemed a bit extreme. As well as calling me a thief, as that is not the case. I would just like to make my case.
But, as I said, completely ignored. They don't care enough to hear me out and will label me as a thief for simply using 3D assets.
I stand by my statement. Newgrounds Hates 3D art. They are free to prove me wrong at any time.